In recognition of the important work that Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade undertake to support economically competitive and sustainable communities and regions, Feb 12-16 has been declared Chamber of Commerce Week in BC. Thank you to all Kelowna Chamber members who support the work we do with you every single day.
As a business-focused organization, the Kelowna Chamber advocates for policies that reduce the cost of doing business in our province. For our provincial economy to grow and thrive, businesses must be profitable. Why? Businesses are job-creating machines that employ people in our communities and contribute to the tax base that pays for the services we all depend on. Local business organizations are convenors, collaborators, and catalysts for positive change and are integral to creating sustainable, healthy communities.
During BC Chamber Week, we encourages BC residents and businesses to learn more about local chambers or boards of trade and to get involved in the work we do to improve the health and prosperity of the communities we serve.
Chamber Walks Feb 14: taking the pulse of business
On Wed Feb 14, your Kelowna Chamber will be out in the city to take a quick 'pulse' of our business community. Trying to cover as many areas as we can, you'll see some of our current Board of Directors, a few Ambassadors, and a few of our staff. We know you're busy - if you have a few moments, we'll ask a couple of quick questions to get to know a sense of where businesses are at in our city. And as always, we welcome your thoughts on how we can advocate for you and our community.
We look forward to seeing you and hearing your voice on what as a business keeps you up at night. While we'd love to see each and every one of you, we can't get out to everyone. We want to hear from you: contact us and share your thoughts on how we can work together to improve your business health.
Provincial Proclamation: 2024 BC Chamber Week