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Economic Reports

2023 Central Okanagan Economic Profile

The Regional District of Central Okanagan’s Economic Development Commission (COEDC) released the New Central Okanagan Economic Profile and the Q4 2023 Economic and Job Market Indicators in April 2024. These resources provide data designed to assist local businesses with informed decision-making. The data also empowers regional partners with tools to support their stakeholders and drive sustainable economic growth in the region. More COEDC reports can be found on Invest Kelowna.com. Click here


Q4 2023 Economic and Job Market Indicators

The Economic Indicators Report is released quarterly by the COEDC and highlights key economic data for the Central Okanagan. The Q4 2023 Economic Indicators report includes cumulative statistics for nine economic indicators for the year to keep the public and business community informed on the region’s economic climate. The nine indicators are population growth, labour force, housing starts, building permit values, business counts, airport passengers, median new home price, average rent, and job postings. In the past year, there has been a notable 5.4% increase in the number of businesses within the Kelowna Census Metropolitan Area (CMA).